2021 PV The FISH Spring Invita

Sterling,VA, 5/7/2021 to 5/9/2021

Event #28 Mixed 10 & Under 50 Meter Free Finals

1 McCarty, Natalie (10) PVRMSC 38.64 32.66 -5.98
2 Bartholomew, Harper L (10) PVRMSC 36.29 33.27 -3.02
3 Clado, Eli J (10) PVRMSC 38.34 33.28 -5.06
4 Germosen, Jeremiah A (10) PVRMSC 33.72 -
5 Ren, Samantha H (10) PVRMSC 40.63 33.93 -6.70
6 Pica, Zander J (9) PVRMSC 34.09 -
7 Fontana, Rafael M (10) PVRMSC 34.41 -
8 Burimski, Dennis (10) PVRMSC 34.46 -
9 Huang, Kristine R (10) PVRMSC 34.52 -
10 Curtis, Cooper P (10) PVRMSC 34.59 -
11 Thomas, Abygail (10) PVRMSC 34.93 -
12 Lee, Seine C (10) PVRMSC 35.18 -
13 Heitzmann, Lily S (10) PVRMSC 35.32 -
14 McCullough, Connor J (9) PVRMSC 35.46 -
15 Zhou, Elly B (10) PVRMSC 40.72 35.47 -5.25
16 Prince, Arthur S (10) PVRMSC 35.57 -
17 Pino, Dylan V (10) PVRMSC 35.64 -
18 Bui, Mai Lan A (9) PVRMSC 35.70 -
19 Haggard, Esme L (10) PVFISH 56.39 35.72 -20.67
20 Hooker, Marion A (10) PVRMSC 35.95 -
21 McWhorter, Molly C (10) PVRMSC 36.07 -
22 Bartley, Leah K (10) PVRMSC 36.09 -
23 Kuzmenko, Alina M (9) PVRMSC 36.20 -
24 Mason, Izabella S (10) PVRMSC 36.21 -
25 Cook, Talon M (10) PVRMSC 36.22 -
26 Ryan, Jenna C (9) PVRMSC 36.45 -
27 Hu, Louis (10) PVRMSC 36.48 -
28 Diaz, Juli D (9) PVRMSC 36.61 -
29 Barnett, Mitchell R (10) PVRMSC 36.66 -
30 Magro, Sienna M (10) PVRMSC 36.79 -
31 Pata, Nicholas V (10) PVRMSC 37.42 -
32 Chen, Alexa K (10) PVRMSC 37.46 -
33 Ngo, Hannah D (10) PVRMSC 37.59 -
34 Chang, Spencer C (10) PVRMSC 37.62 -
35 Kern, Hannah M (10) PVRMSC 37.68 -
36 Steves, Michael A (10) PVFISH 41.51 37.71 -3.80
37 Regan, Madelyn M (10) PVRMSC 37.73 -
38 Avalos, Ethan (10) PVRMSC 37.79 -
39 Garmon, Mason A (10) PVRMSC 37.87 -
40 De Angelis, Emanuele X (9) PVRMSC 38.01 -
40 Dmitrova, Varvara (9) PVFISH 38.01 -
42 Donley, Logan P (9) PVRMSC 38.21 -
43 Yo, Caleb S (10) PVRMSC 38.54 -
44 Dean, Cullen R (9) PVFISH 38.63 -
45 Collazo, Isaiah J (9) PVFISH 38.75 -
46 Avalos-Restrepo, Natalie C (10) PVRMSC 38.94 -
47 Matt, Tis K (10) PVFISH 50.62 39.11 -11.51
48 Waterman, Emma M (10) PVRMSC 39.43 -
49 Rawner Scannapieco, Marcus A (10) PVFISH 39.65 -
50 Cao, Thuan (10) PVRMSC 39.76 -
51 Lakso, Brooke E (10) PVRMSC 39.86 -
52 Wang, Alice L (10) PVFISH 42.35 39.98 -2.37
53 Bauernshub, Brooke A (10) PVFISH 51.07 40.03 -11.04
54 Gutierrez, Rita V (10) PVRMSC 40.25 -
55 Li, Sophie S (10) PVFISH 40.41 -
56 Patel, Meera A (9) PVRMSC 40.45 -
57 Lindley, Elena M (9) PVRMSC 40.73 -
58 Garner, Joseph W (10) PVRMSC 41.59 -
59 Tang, Lucas (10) PVRMSC 41.78 -
60 Klaiber, Anna G (9) PVFISH 42.24 -
61 Wofford, Elise J (9) PVRMSC 42.28 -
62 Engledow, Alice B (10) PVUN 42.54 -
63 Gowetski, Noah W (10) PVRMSC 42.63 -
64 Finnegan, Eleanor (9) PVRMSC 42.89 -
65 Miller, Sofia E (9) PVFISH 43.28 -
66 Cook, Tyson M (10) PVRMSC 43.29 -
67 Young, Jessica Z (10) PVFISH 55.12 44.31 -10.81
68 Kremin, Annabel L (9) PVFISH 44.97 -
69 Garcia, Xavier T (10) PVFISH 45.84 -
70 Wiley-Jimenez, Ariadne M (8) PVFISH 45.95 -
71 Winthrop, Nathan J (10) PVFISH 54.52 46.03 -8.49
72 Roberge, Cordrey C (10) PVFISH 46.29 -
73 Duan, Jacy H (9) PVRMSC 46.63 -
74 Peng, Yue (10) PVFISH 47.02 -
75 Koay, Ethan P (10) PVFISH 47.20 -
76 Mirali, Sina N (9) PVFISH 47.24 -
77 Yang, Henry M (9) PVFISH 47.26 -
78 Shukla, Ayan H (10) PVRMSC 48.37 -
79 Lase, Nora I (10) PVRMSC 48.59 -
80 Abel, Oliver T (9) PVFISH 48.83 -
81 McHenry, Ziva Z (8) PVFISH 48.98 -
82 Tajima, Hideaki (9) PVFISH 50.28 -
83 Jones, Lucas G (9) PVRMSC 55.92 -
84 Bockman, Elijah L (9) PVFISH 56.29 -
Rivera, Bianca G (10) PVRMSC NS -
Bokhari, Omar A (10) PVFISH NS -
Nguyen, Ethan P (10) PVRMSC NS -